🎨 Unveiling the Artistry: Mastering美容师英文词汇 for Beauty Professionals 🌟,想知道美容师行业的英文学术词汇?别再Google翻译那些日常用语了!这是一份专为美容专业人士打造的词典,助你在国际交流中游刃有余,提升专业度!✨🌹
1️⃣ Skincare essentials in a nutshell:
Face cleanser - 洁面乳 | Moisturizer - 保湿霜 | Exfoliator - 去角质产品 | Serums - 精华液 | Sunscreen - 防晒霜 🌞💦
2️⃣ Makeup techniques and tools explained:
- Concealer - 遮瑕膏 | Contour - 定妆阴影 | Highlighter - 提亮产品 | Eyeshadow palette - 眼影盘 | Lipstick - 口红 💄🎨
3️⃣ Advanced treatments and procedures:
Microdermabrasion - 微晶磨皮 | Chemical peel - 化学换肤 | Botox - 肉毒素注射 | Fillers - 注射填充物 | Laser therapy - 激光治疗 🔫💫
4️⃣ Grooming and aesthetics vocabulary:
Manicure - 修甲 | Pedicure - 美足 | Waxing - 蜜蜡脱毛 | Eyebrow shaping - 眉型设计 | Facial massage - 面部按摩💆♀️💆♂️
5️⃣ Industry jargon decoded:
- Spa treatments - 水疗疗程 | Professional development - 专业成长 | Client consultation - 客户咨询 | Aftercare instructions - 术后护理指南 | Retail sale - 店铺销售🛍️
💡 Tips for mastering the language:
- Practice using these terms in sentences to internalize them.
- Watch tutorials or read industry articles to hear them in context.
- Translate your own services descriptions to improve client communication.